Meat processing Industry

DAF Delta 75 Meat processing

Dissolved Air Flotation system Delta 75 with Dynadisk


The meat processing industry generates wastewater containing high levels of TSS, FOG, COD, fat, proteins and blood. With physical/chemical treatment, reductions on COD up to 90% can be achieved. Reductions on FOG and TSS up to 98% can be reached. In most cases, these reductions are sufficient to be within the limits to discharge to the sewer system. For discharge of the effluent to the surface water, additional biological treatment can be necessary. 

The water from the meat industry can be treated using the Kemeo treatment systems: 
  • Physical chemical treatment, reduction up to 90% on COD can be achieved. 
  • Physical chemical treatment combined with biological treatment, reduction up to 95% on COD can be achieved. 
  • Physical treatment combined with biological treatment, reduction up to 95% on COD can be achieved. 

Kemeo can offer the best fitting solution for your specific circumstances.

Alpha flotation units
Delta flotation units
Gamma flotation units
Sigma flotation systems
CPI oil/water separator units
Polymere systems and chemical dosing
Biological treatment
Rotary screens
Sludge dewatering units